Additional Concrete and Floor Services
Complete Floor Leveling & Concrete Floor Preparation Services
With our vast array of high-tech floor equipment, including diamond grinders, polishers, and burnishers, we are ready to prepare any surface. Paint removing, profiling, scoring, and sawing are just a small list of the prep options available.
Floor Leveling Agents
With our knowledge of self-leveling underlayments, floor leveling agents, and floor screeds, we can level and prepare floors for stone placement, wood laminates or deco concrete.
Regardless of the current condition of your concrete floor, see us for all your prep and leveling needs.

Decorative Concrete Floor Maintenance Service
Unlike a majority of decorative concrete contractors, Your Concrete Guy offers our long-term commitment to your decorative concrete by offering excellent and reasonably priced maintenance service. Most residential decorative concrete applications require little or no maintenance, having been engineered to last for years. For that brand-new look, floors can be machine scrubbed, burnished and finish-coated for about the price of a carpet cleaning.
In retail settings, where scheduled floor maintenance is the norm, decorative concrete will provide a much more durable surface, requiring maintenance only once or twice a year, depending on traffic and your in-house maintenance program. For more information or a retail-maintenance consultation, contact Your Concrete Guy.