Industrial chic at the Convention Center

location of Oregon’s Finest Cannabis

The biggest challenge I have faced when transforming old concrete slabs into classic decorative concrete floors is mind-melding with the customer as to what they are hoping for and what is possible based on the age and condition of their slab. It is important to keep in mind that slab conditions vary in age, condition, and treatment over the years. Each customer has their own idea as to what they would like and it is my job to determine what is possible.

If a slab has been painted several times there is likely to be paint tailings in slab divots or irregularities after the grinding is complete. Depending on the severity of the left over tailings, as well as your own taste, the floor can be cosmetically pleasing without the expense of concrete overlays or self leveling cement.

Case in point is the new Convention Center location of
Oregon’s Finest Cannabis. The floor in this building was in bad shape. Several coats of paint, mastic from tile, poorly laid large patches, and many cracks and divots.

I explained to the owners that there floor was going to be cosmetically challenged and very “Industrial.” That is exactly what they wanted!



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Polymer Cement Borders

Add a nice touch and hide tac nail holes

If your concrete slab has ever been carpeted chances are the carpet was held down with tac strips. These wooden strips are attached to the concrete floor with little nails. Depending on the strength of your concrete and the depth of the nails, once removed, little holes will be left all around the edges. The material used to fill these holes does not adhere to smaller holes and when stained with concrete stain look just different enough that the edges of your concrete floor can look like polka-dots. I do not recommend filling all the tac holes. I normally offer my clients two possibilities.

Depending on the severity of the tac holes and your personal “Industrial Sheik” tolerance level, I can just fill the major holes and leave the remaining tac strip holes alone. Once ground and stained they often blend in nicely with the old restored concrete look.

If the tac holes are unacceptable I can add a polymer cement decorative border around the edges. This 4” border will hide the holes and add a nice touch to your new decorative concrete floor. Because the material takes the concrete stain a little differently it creates a nice color contrast. It is also possible to stain the borders a different color to create a different decorative concrete contrast. In general a 4” Polymer Cement Border stained the same color as the floor runs about $6 a linear foot.



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